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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last Day in DC and Info About My Host Family!

DISCLAIMER: Oops, today isn't my last day in DC...I wrote this two nights ago and forgot to push publish. Better late than never!

So today is my last day in DC....today (and the last few days) have been filled with bittersweet goodbyes and lots of errands and packing. I think that it finally feels real that I am going to be gone for a whole year. No visits back, no easy access to internet, on my own. It is scary but exhilarating. I am fortunate to have some of the best friends and family in the world and it is really hard to know that I won't be able to see or talk to them (at least not as often) for so long. But I also know that it will be just as hard to leave Ghana ten months from now because I am going to have so many amazing experiences and meet such wonderful people.

As promised, here is more information about my host family - I'm going to be hosted in Accra, which is the capital of Ghana located on the coast in the South. The University of Ghana is located there and it is apparently the most "westernized" place in Ghana - seeing fellow Americans and other foreigners there is not uncommon at all. I will live with my host mom, Nancy , who is not married and does not have kids. She lives on a compound with two houses. From what I understand, her dad and brothers live in one house and Nancy, her sister, and her sisters' two sons and one daughter all live in the other house. I'm not sure exactly what she does for a job but I know that she works at a school so I'm thinking that maybe she's a teacher. We have been emailing back and forth since I got her contact info a couple weeks ago and she seems super nice :) She's hosted three other exchange students and has been to America once to visit one of her former students. That's pretty much all I know at this point and as soon as I meet Nancy and the rest of the family I will share more info about them!

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